WebGPU Unleashed
1. Basics
1.0 Empty Canvas
1.1 Drawing a Triangle
1.2 Drawing a Triangle with Defined Vertices
1.3 Applying Hardcoded Vertex Colors
1.4 Different Vertex Colors
1.5 Colored Triangle with a Single Buffer
1.6 Understanding Uniforms
1.7 Working with Textures
1.8 Utilizing Transformation Matrices
1.9 Cameras
1.10 Triangle Strips
1.11 Front and Back Faces
1.12 Depth
1.13 Indices
1.14 Loading Models
1.15 Normals
1.16 Lighting
1.16.1 Per-vertex Lighting
1.16.2 Per-fragment Lighting
1.17 MSAA
1.18 Mipmaps
1.18.1 Mipmaps 1
1.18.2 Mipmaps 2
2. 2D Techniques
2.0 Render to Textures
2.1 Orthogonal Cameras
2.2 Blur
2.2.1 Blur 1
2.2.2 Blur 2
2.2.3 Blur 3
2.2.4 Blur 4
2.2.5 Blur 5
2.3 Video
2.3.1 Video 1
2.3.2 Video 2
2.4 Text
2.5 Billboard
2.6 Fake 3D
3. Control
3.0 Canvas Resizing
3.1 Arcball
3.2 Picking
3.2.1 Ray Casting
3.2.2 Color Coding
3.3 Save Image and Video
3.4 Worker
3.5 Error Handling and Limits
4. Compute
4.0 Prefix Sum
4.1 Radix Sorting
4.2 Reaction Diffusion
5. Advanced
5.0 Stencil
5.1 Shadow Maps
5.2 Toon Shading
5.3 Equalrectangle Rendering
5.4 Mega Texture
5.5 Transparency
5.6 Skeleton Animation
5.7 Bump Map
5.8 Gaussian Splatting
5.8.1 4x4 covariance
5.8.2 3x3 covariance
5.8.3 4x4 + Radix sort + rendering